My Hacking Notes

Ports and Services

  • Port Scanning
  • 21 TCP / FTP
  • 22 TCP / SSH
  • 25 TCP / SMTP
  • 53 TCP / DNS
  • 69 UDP / TFTP
  • 79 TCP / Finger
  • 80 TCP / HTTP
  • 88 TCP / Kerberos
  • 110 TCP / POP3
  • 111 TCP / rpcbind / NFS
  • 113 TCP / ident
  • 119 TCP / NNTP
  • 135 TCP / msrpc
  • 139 TCP / Netbios
  • 143 TCP / IMAP
  • 161 UDP / SNMP
  • 389 TCP / LDAP
  • 443 TCP / HTTPS
  • 445 TCP / SMB
  • 464 TCP / kpasswd5
  • 500 UDP / ISAKMP
  • 636 TCP / LDAPS
  • 837 TCP / rsync
  • 1025 TCP / msrpc
  • 1433 TCP / Microsoft SQL
  • 1521 TCP / Oracle TNS Listener
  • 2049 TCP / mountd (NFS)
  • 3000 TCP / Express.js Node
  • 3268 TCP / LDAP
  • 3269 TCP / LDAPS
  • 3306 TCP / MySql
  • 3389 TCP / RDP
  • 3690 TCP / SVN
  • 5432 TCP / Postgresql
  • 5985 TCP / Microsoft HTTPAPI
  • 5985 TCP / WinRM
  • 6379 TCP / redis
  • 6667 TCP / irc
  • 6697 TCP / irc
  • 27017 TCP / mongodb
  • 11211 TCP / memcache
  • Windows PrivEsc

  • Manual PrivEsc
  • PrivEsc Tools
  • cmd Commands
  • Powershell Commands
  • File Transfers
  • Startup Apps
  • Privilege Abuse
  • Always Install Elevated
  • Autorun Applications
  • Insecure File Permissions
  • Insecure Services
  • Scheduled Tasks
  • Bypass UAC
  • Finding Logged in Users
  • Cached Credentials
  • Security Identifier (SID)
  • Clock Skew
  • Dump Proccess
  • Dump Hashes
  • Active Directory
  • Credential Usage
  • Overpass the Hash
  • Silver Ticket
  • Golden Ticket
  • Read GMSA Password
  • Setup Linux as a Router
  • Convert vbs file to one line

  • Linux PrivEsc

  • PrivEsc Strategy
  • Manual Enumeration
  • File Transfers
  • Shell Upgrade and Escapes
  • Auto Enumeration Tools
  • Sudo Environment Variables
  • NFS
  • SUID and GUID executables
  • Persistence Methods
  • Groups
  • Malicious Python Module

  • Miscellaneous

  • Git Repo Analysis
  • AWS
  • Python Command Injection
  • Reading Different File Types
  • Steganography
  • Port Knocking
  • VoIP
  • HTTP Cookie Flags
  • Java Deserialization
  • Gitlab
  • Zip File Analysis
  • Kubernetes
  • Unprotect Excel Document
  • Web Application Attacks

  • Strategy
  • Login Page
  • XSS
  • Json Web Token (JWT)
  • SQL Injection
  • NoSQL Injection
  • LFI
  • RFI
  • PHP Wrappers
  • phpinfo.php
  • Upload Restriction Bypass
  • Web Servers & OS Combos
  • XXE Injection
  • Server Side Template Injection (SSTI)
  • Execution After Redirect (EAR)
  • Node.js
  • Git
  • Tomcat
  • Wordpress
  • Jenkins
  • Sharepoint
  • Gatsby
  • Joomla
  • Webdav
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

  • Port Forwarding

  • SSH Tunnelling
  • Chisel
  • socat
  • rinetd

  • Reverse Shells

  • Web Shells
  • Linux Reverse Shells
  • Windows

  • Password Attacks

  • Password Wordlist Creation
  • Cracking Hashes
  • Active Directory
  • Web application
  • Guessing passwords
  • File types to hashes

  • Antivirus Evasion

  • Virus Detection Methods
  • Tools

  • Buffer Overflows

  • Linux BOF
  • Assembly Language
  • OSCP/Windows BOF
  • Walkthroughs (No Metasploit)

    My Scripts

  • autoNmap
    • Automatically scan for all open tcp & udp ports and then run nmap scripts against them.
  • SMTP VRFY User Enumeration
    • Bruteforce a user list against SMTP using the VRFY command in order to enumerate users.